Sitecore Horizon Features & Functionality – SUG Presentation
Back in March before everything changed in the World and the UK ground to a halt with the Coronavirus pandemic, we managed to squeeze in the first Manchester Sitecore user group of the year. I presented an overview of Sitecore Horizon Features & Functionality in Sitecore 9.3. I talked about what Horizon can do as well as some of it’s current limitations, how to install it and demoed editing an custom page I’d built in Sitecore MVC in Horizon. My talk seemed generally well received and there was quite a lot of discussion about various aspects of Horizon, some of which I’ve edited out to keep the presentation a reasonable length. One of the hot topics was around how existing MVC pages would work with it and surprisingly they mostly do (for field types that are supported at this point anyway). I think it was useful for others who haven’t yet … Continue reading Sitecore Horizon Features & Functionality – SUG Presentation